Wartburg College - 100 Wartburg Blvd. - Waverly, IA 50677
Campus Directories

Alphabetical Faculty/Staff Listing

The following represents the campus information retained by Wartburg College Human Resources.
If any information is in error or needs to be corrected please call ext. 8521.


Wartburg College does not make its campus student directory available to the public. However, faculty/staff listings are available to the general public. Current students can use their campus login and password through the Info Center for the complete campus directory. Others may call 319-352-8200 for further assistance.

A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z (All)
Last NameFirst NameDept.TitlePhoneEmailMail Stop
AissenMaryAdvancement Advancement Associate Donor Relations3193528495mary.aissen@wartburg.eduAdvancement
AkinsDeAnnAthletics Head Women's Volleyball Coach deann.akins@wartburg.eduPhysical Education Office
AlbrightJessicaAthletics Assistant Athletic Trainer jessica.albright@wartburg.eduPhysical Education Office
AllenCristianMathematics, Physics & Computer Science Assistant Professor of Mathematics3193528271cristian.allen@Wartburg.eduScience Center
AmsberryBobAthletics Head Women's Basketball Coach
Lecturer in Physical Education
3193528364bob.amsberry@wartburg.eduPhysical Education Office
AshtonBarbaraMusic Assistant Professor of Music Therapy3193528463barbara.ashton@wartburg.eduMusic Office
AstaritaMollyAdmissions Associate Director of Global Admissions molly.astarita@wartburg.eduAdmissions



Wartburg College - 100 Wartburg Blvd. - Waverly, IA 50677